" ครู" ครูคือคนพร้อมที่จะมอบวิชาความรู้ให้นักเรียนอย่างเต็มใจ สร้างความประทับใจ ให้กับตัวนักเรียนได้ มิใช่ทำให้คนอื่นมองครูเป็นแค่เพียง "เรือจ้างลำหนึ่ง" หรือเป็นแค่ "เปลวเทียนข้างทาง" ที่ทำหน้าที่พาเราข้ามไปสู่จุดหมายแล้วก็ลาจากกันไป แต่จะเป็นหัวใจสำคัญให้แสงเทียน หรือ เรือลำนี้ สามารถนำพาและช่วยขัดเกลานักเรียนนักศึกษาไปสู่จุดหมายปลายทาง และพบกับความสำเร็จของชีวิตพร้อมที่จะเป็นบุคลากรที่ดีของชาติต่อไป

วันจันทร์ที่ 31 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

The Interview: OTOP

The Hermit Sculpture from Sweet Tamarind Woods
Good morning everyone, I went to Chalermprakiet District to study a product. Then I went to Boonleart’s home. Now he is 64 years old, he is a carver and worked this more ten years such as carving the cows, coconut grater, etc.  
Today he is carving the Hermit Sculpture from Sweet Tamarind Woods. The favorite of woods to use for carving such as Chamchuri wood, Sontol wood, Sweet Tamarind wood, etc. This product of work, he said that need to choose Sweet Tamarind wood because when carved out, it will be beautiful product.
These products are finished, it is very expensive about 4,000 to 10,000 Bath. For each piece and duration of making a piece about 1 month. 

The equipments used in the carving are 9 types;


2. Color Poster                    


3. Lacquer


4. Hammer


5. Grinding stones 


6. Chisel


7. Drill


8. Sweet Tamarind wood

9. Saw


The next step how to do; 

1. First, take a sweet tamarind wood cut into two pieces because can see the wood.

2. Then, drawing a hermit on the wood and use the saw cut the wood out of from.


3. Next, use a drill and chisel are decorate woods to the shape, when the completed from, using a sandpaper and grinding stones scrub until smooth. And use color poster paint on the form.


4. Finally, when the wood is dry should paint lacquer on the wood.

           We have the beautiful hermit and can be used to decorate the home, garden and restaurant.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2554

Learning Log out Class



A Wife’s Poem

He didn’t like the curry
And he didn’t like my cake.
He said my biscuits were too hard…
Not like his my mother used to make.
I didn’t prepare the coffee right
He didn’t like the stew,
I didn’t mend his socks
The way his mother used to do.
I was looking for a clue.
Isn’t there anything I could do
To match his mothers shoe
Then I smiled as I saw light
One thing I could definitely do
I turned around
And slapped him right…
Like his mother used to!!!!!

Learning Log out Class

Phrases and Vocabulary!

Abstract = บทคัดย่อของวิทยานิพนธ์
Register = ชนชั้นของภาษา
Go to the hospital = ไปเยี่ยมไข้
Go to hospital = ไม่สบาย
Killing smile = ยิ้มพิฆาต
Hidden agenda = ภาวะซ่อนเร้น
Individualism = พึ่งพาตนเอง
Collectivism = รวมกันเป็นพวกพ้อง
Block grant = ทุนเป็นก้อน
Grant = เงิน
Red Tape = เช้าชาม เย็นชาม
Merging = รวบรวมกัน
Let on = ยอมรับ
Beat down = แสงแดดกล้า
Lose sight of = หลงลืม
Do one’s best = พยายามให้สุดความสามารถ
Find it disturbing that = รู้สึกกังวลใจอย่างมาก
Wish to make a complaint concerning = ต้องการร้องเรียน
Will not tolerate = ไม่ยอมให้เกิดขึ้น
Demand an explanation = ต้องการอธิบาย
Be outraged by = รู้สึกโกรธ
Plump = ท้วมๆ
Chubby = จ้ำม่ำ
Chance = มีโอกาส
Fat chance = เป็นไปไม่ได้
Dissolve parliament = ยุบสภา
Fairy tale = หนังสือนิทาน
Colorful = หลากสีสัน
Really likes = ชอบมาก

Learning Log out Class


A noun phrase is either a single noun or pronoun or a group of words containing a noun or a pronoun that function together as a noun or pronoun, as the subject or object of a verb.

Examples of noun phrases:
EG: John was late.
('John' is the noun phrase functioning as the subject of the verb.)
EG: The people that I saw coming in the building at nine o'clock have just left.
('The people ... nine o'clock' is a lengthy noun phrase, but it functions as the subject of the main verb 'have just left'.)

Noun phrases normally consist of a head noun, which is optionally modified ("pre modified" if the modifier is placed before the noun; "post modified" if the modifier is placed after the noun). Possible modifiers include:

Determiners: articles (the, a), demonstratives (this, that), numerals (two, five, etc.), possessives (my, their, etc.), and quantifiers (some, many, etc.). In English, determiners are usually placed before the noun;

Adjectives (the red ball); or

Complements, in the form of a prepositional phrase (such as: the student of physics), or a That-clause (the claim that the earth is round);

Modifiers; pre-modifiers if placed before the noun and usually either as nouns (the university student) or adjectives (the beautiful lady), or post-modifiers if placed after the noun. A post modifier may be either a prepositional phrase (the man with long hair) or a relative clause (the house where I live). The difference between modifiers and complements is that complements complete the meaning of the noun; complements are necessary, whereas modifiers are optional because they just give additional information about the noun. 

Noun phrases can make use of an opposition structure. This means that the elements in the noun phrase are not in a head-modifier relationship, but in a relation of equality. An example of this is I, Caesar, declare ..., where "Caesar" and "I" do not modify each other.

The head of a noun phrase can be implied, as in "The Bold and the Beautiful" or Robin Hood's "rob from the rich and give to the poor"; an implied noun phrase is most commonly used as a generic plural referring to human beings.[2] Another example of noun phrase with implied head is I choose the cheaper of the two.

That noun phrases can be headed by elements other than nouns—for instance, pronouns (They came) or determiners (I'll take these)—has given rise to the postulation of a determiner phrase instead of a noun phrase. The English language is not as permissive as some other languages, with regard to possible heads of noun phrases. German, for instance, allows adjectives as heads of noun phrases [citation needed], as in Gib mir die Alten for Give me the olds (i.e. old ones).

Week 13

Week 13


This week we have learned about the structure: noun phrase, determiner, etc. We have to use critical thinking to understand the many sentences. That the sentence should be how to use correct and appropriate. Which everyone have to exactly with grammatical because of the Thai Translation into English need skills of all together so it makes a perfect translation.

Det.  opinion  size  shape  condition  age  color  origin N
An    ugly   big   rand    chipped  old blue French  vase

Noun phrase
  • My mother is a teacher.
  • The government has planned to dissolve the parliament.
  • The palace was built in 1912.
  • That house looks so big.

  • My brother really likes the thick colorful fairy tale book with lots of beautiful pictures that mom bought him.

Learning Log out Class


วิถีชีวิตของคนบางคนก็เหมือนการมองดูกระจกเงา และบางคนก็เหมือนมองดูผ่านหน้าต่าง ทั้งกระจกเงาและหน้าต่างล้วนทำจากแก้ว เพียงแต่ว่ามีชั้นของปรอทเคลือบอยู่หลังกระจกเงา
คนที่ดูกระจกเงานั้นก็มองดูตัวเองนั่นแหละ ดังนั้นเขาจึงอยู่อย่างโดดเดี่ยวและนึกถึงแต่ตนเอง คนที่มองผ่านหน้าต่างจึงสามารถพัฒนาปรับปรุงให้ดีได้ด้วยการติดต่อโลกรอบตัวเขา

A way of life

Some people’s way of life is like looking at a mirror, and others looking through a window. Both mirror and window are made of glass, only there is a layer of quick silver behind the mirror.
One looking at the mirror, looks at himself, and so he is isolated and egoistic. A person who looks through a window can enlarge himself by connecting with the world around him.
We are to choose for ourselves the way of life.

The Interview: In English Version

The Interview : In Thai Version

" Wat Pra That on Tour "

Learn Noun